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Finding your joy and motivation in times of challenge.

Would you like to learn how to cultivate more joy and create an upward trend in your well-being, even in times of challenge?

Would you also like to experience more balance in life as well as strengthen your your motivation and resilience?

Join me for a gentle and empowering 90-minute workshop where you will learn how to shape your path forward in a way that enables you to live more joyfully, more intentionally and more in line with your values and aspirations.


What will the workshop give you?

  • An invigorating opportunity to pause and gather your thoughts about what requires more (or less) attention in your life right now.

  • Tools that will provide you with new perspectives and help you thrive.

  • A refreshing collection of ideas you can implement right away.

  • Strategies to engage confidently with challenges that come your way.



The workshop will NOT:

  • Tell you to ‘stay positive’ or prescribe a one-size-fits-all solution. You will NOT be given 5 failsafe ways to live your life. Instead you will have the opportunity to clarify specifically what is meaningful for YOU.

  • Pretend that there is a quick fix. We do however believe that there is wisdom within you which you can use to grow and flourish even in times of challenge and uncertainty.

  • Suggest seeking solace by simply counting your fortunes. Having a gratitude practice is great. But better with company. In this workshop you will learn several ways to elevate your sense of well-being. 


What’s included and how much will it cost?

A live 90 minutes online session.

A workbook which you will receive in the post pre-event.

Bonus exercises to complete after our online session.

The cost is £40 per person.

When is it and how do I book?


11th November at 8-9.30pm or

2nd December at 8-9.30pm or

29th December at 8-9.30pm.


Click this link to book your place.


Who is this workshop for?

  • The workshop is for anyone who wants to bring out the best in themselves even when blindsided by unexpected global events!

  • It’s for people who want to adapt to change by taking proactive steps, and who want to design meaningful ways of being with what is (as opposed to drift).          

  • It’s for anyone who would like to enhance their personal well-being and explore how to grow and thrive even at a time of great uncertainty.


Do I have to share my thoughts and feelings?

The workshop is intended first and foremost to be a safe, reflective space. A space to become more self-aware and explore ideas and new possibilities. There will be a little bit of time available for the group to share observations and reflections, but you do not have to speak, if you prefer not to.

What do I need to bring?

Your workbook (which you will receive in the post), Zoom, your favourite pen and perhaps a nice cup of tea!

What can I do to continue my journey after the workshop?

The aim is for you to have several ideas at the end of our time together. Make a commitment to begin the implementation of your ideas. Become increasingly curious about yourself and the topic of self-leadership. Explore the question: What helps ME thrive? Dive into the bonus assignments included in the workbook or get in touch to have a conversation about how Coaching can support your journey forward.


What participants on Bonnie's previous workshops have said'?

  • ‘It was such a perfect blend of inspiration, science and practical tips for making life more joyful and in line with my values and how I want to live. So many useful tools for measuring and planning too. I loved it and found it really useful.’

  • ‘What a great workshop yesterday! You have given us a lot of tools. For me it was an insightful evening, and I will be following the exercises that are in the workbook. I think there's a lot of exciting things ahead. And now I am a bit more equipped to deal with those less bright moments.’

  • “A powerful, thought-provoking and extremely useful boost that’s helped me move forward with my life.”

  • “Rarely have I encountered tools so easily understood, whilst simultaneously allowing great insight and understanding.”

  • “This workshop is a real eye-opener.”

  • “It was such a relief to finally get some structure to my thoughts. Now I can see things in a different way and it is not as confusing anymore.”

  • “I HIGHLY recommend this… I went to the May session and thought it excellent. Full of tips for staying sane when dealing with all that gets thrown at us and some really inspiring thoughts on how to deal with obstacles we inevitably encounter in life. A very valuable couple of hours.”

  • “Bloody brilliant.”

  • “Just wanted to say that this seminar was brilliant. Bonnie gave some really good ideas about how to cope with life’s obstacles and not beat yourself up in the process! Would recommend.”

  • “I just wanted to thank you for such an inviting and inspirational evening. I have taken so much away from your generous sharing and insight together with reminding me to embrace challenges with courage, compassion, wisdom and positivity.”

  • “I just wanted to write and say a very big thank you for the fantastic, thought provoking and interesting seminar this evening.  It was a great opportunity to listen to what you had to say and do some personal reflection. Your seminar reminded me of what is important in life. Many thanks.”

  • “You were wonderful: so relaxed and natural, knowledgeable and inspiring. I really enjoyed it and am full of resolve to nurture my kinder voices.”

  • “Really enjoyed the seminar, felt I could listen to you for hours. Loved that you didn’t try to magically fix my busy life which overwhelms me at times, and can’t always stop it being so busy! But loved the interesting different ways to look at it all. We are all guilty of not looking at the bright side and getting bogged down. So thank you, it was immensely helpful and I would love to know of future events.”

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